Eleda.Org Seminars Announces its Upcoming Class: An Introduction to Bantú Cosmology and the Rites of Palo By Tata Nganga Oscar Guerrero An important and groundbreaking course on the most often misunderstood of the Afro-Cuban religions Beginning: Thursday, May 10, 2010 Time: 7:30 […]
Can children be initiated into Palo?
I was made aware of a recent incident in the Atlanta, Georgia area earlier today that has made headlines in the local and national news. The incident has been reported as an investigation of a 4 year old girl with […]
Cuban Filmmaker Roberto Chile’s work comes to the U.S.
A sample of the photographer and filmmaker Roberto Chile “Images of everyday Afro-Cuban” opened in New York under the auspices of the embassies of Venezuela and Cuba in the United States. Original article here! One of Cuba’s top photographers and […]